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Something is wrong!

I sometimes feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.

I want people to understand that true health is within reach for everyone, not fitness, not energy to get through the day but everything. Being comfortable in your own skin in every way, mentally, emotionally and physically.

It's not about being free of problems or stress but having the strength to deal with it calmly and effectively. Health is not convenient, you have to work, you have to put time in to look after your body and mind. What you are capable of with real health is something that no one can even contemplate. Anything you think you could be, multiply it by 10 and we may be approaching the potential you have.

I feel like the whole world is happy just getting by, take the little wins and hope they don't end up with nothing. Screw that! Screw being happy to have one day a week when your back doesn't ache. Screw relying on pills to help you cope with the stressors in your life. Screw missing out on life because you're not fit or strong enough to keep up. Screw being afraid to truly be yourself because you don't know what people will think.

I want to tell a story about a group of girls, which I happened to overhear, having a conversation about little problems they had. There were six girls, all in their 20's, all but one looked reasonably healthy from the outside. One, as you can guess, was quite overweight. So far nothing to be shocked about. Two had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, one had diagnosed anxiety, one was being told by doctors that she was borderline diabetic and the lucky last had arthritis in her back! Girls in their TWENTIES!!! What annoyed me is that none of them stopped to think... "Huh, maybe we're doing something wrong?". All six of them had issues and not one of them thought anything of it.

Something is wrong! What I'm talking about here is mindset and particularly accepting mediocre health. There is so much potential in everyone to be awesome but we're all so busy trying to attain things that don't even matter that we remain completely ignorant of the one thing that does; you.

"Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel" - Kevin Trudeau

There is a complete distancing of health from day to day life for most people until it gets life threatening. We put up with ok when we should be actively seeking powerful. I'm sure if you could choose right now to be as strong, fit and healthy as you've ever been you would. You do have that choice, you can choose right now to eat fresh, nutritious food, lift weight so heavy it challenges every fibre in your body and get active every chance you get. This is what I want for everyone.

What most people give back is they are 'too busy', 'eating healthy costs too much' or my favourite, 'I'm not fit enough'. If you want to stay average, those excuses will certainly get you there. The fact is that every great person deals with the same problems but does it anyway.

Now it's your turn, take responsibility for your own health and challenge yourself to be great. There is nothing in your life with more at stake.

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied." - Herophilus

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