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Please get some sun!

We are very lucky to live in Australia with the weather we have. We get as much sun as any country and it is to our benefit. Now is the time to stock up your stores of vitamin D, that doesn't mean going to the pharmacy for bottles of pills, you need to get outside!!!

Vitamin D is needed for every cell in the body, specifically the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell needed for energy production) therefore low vitamin D equals low energy. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most prevalent deficiencies in the western world, even in a country like ours. As a species we were born and raised in the sun, why are we now avoiding it?

The thing I like to keep coming back to is this. We've all seen people who look like they're in their 70's or 80's and have a very dark tan and spend hours in the sun. Surely they would be the ones to get skin cancer? A mate of mine pointed out that maybe they only look that old because all that sun has aged them and they're only in their 30's! That could be the case but I'd rather look old and feel great than the other way around! Another problem in covering up from the sun is that lesions can appear anywhere on the body, even parts that have never been exposed to sun. How would sun exposure on your legs cause a skin cancer on your back? It doesn't make sense to me!

Sunscreen has been implicated in some studies to actually cause skin cancer and when you think about the chemicals in sunscreen that you are cooking on your skin it is certainly a possibility. Another possible cause according to some studies is fluorescent light, which is another reason working indoors in front of a computer screen all day is not great for your health.

Vitamin D is protective against a lot of cancers which may explain why, paradoxically according to current skin cancer dogma, people who work outdoors have lower risk!!!

As the anti-cancer campaigns have preached a sun burn is still something to try to avoid. On a 35+ degree day it is still a good idea to not be in the sun for too long in the heat of the mid afternoon and if you do need to be in the sun definitely cover up, but not with sunscreen! Clothing and hats are the best way to go, seek natural alternatives to sunscreen like coconut oil etc. As soon as you feel any sensation of burning you should seek shade. The other way to protect yourself from burning is through the food you eat, lots of fresh fruit and veg will provide you with the anti oxidants you need to keep the rays from causing damage. I can't stress the importance of this enough! The better you eat, the better you are protected from all ailments!

Sunglasses are the go to attire when the suns glare is harsh, but they should also be used sparingly, if at all. I haven't worn sunglasses in about 2 years and rarely do I feel the need anymore. At first it will be nearly impossible to open your eyes but as you do it more often you will adjust to the brightness, that aversion to the light without sunglasses reminds me more of vampires than humans! There are light receptors in your eyes that control the melanin in the skin so by wearing sunglasses you are telling your skin the sun is not as much of a threat.

If you have extremely sensitive skin you should start with early morning and late evening sun until your skin gets more accustomed to the light. There are other ways to slightly increase your Vitamin D intake through foods such as fish and fish oils, liver, eggs and mushrooms but these are only small amounts.

Deficiency is obviously most common in winter when there's less sun which is why it's important to get more than enough over summer, so you have ample stores to keep up your energy and mood through the cooler, darker months. Seasonal affective disorder is common during winter and it could have something to do with low vitamin D and the vitamins affect on mood.

So please, don't be a vampire, afraid to go out in the sun. Get 10 extra minutes of sun a day to start with until you're more comfortable, experiment with different natural protection and make sure you're getting your anti-oxidants! Remember once you feel a bit of a burn it's time to get some shade. Your energy and overall health will thankyou for it!

The sun is the source of all life on earth. It’s not something to be afraid of!


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