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Abundance and no regrets!

I realise that I probably can't relate to a large section of people when it comes to health. I've been asking myself a lot lately, what do I want?? Like really?? Not some extra money or more sex, I'm sure we all want that, but what do I really want? When I'm on my death bed, what will I regret if I haven't done it. What I want is to see a global shift to abundance on every level, health, wealth, relationships, community, security, freedom, etc.

I feel like about 80% of what I think about is related to fitness or food, even when I'm just enjoying my own and other people's company I'm thinking better health can encourage more of these experiences or improve the ones I do have so I need to keep working at it. Maybe that's uncommon and its almost definitely why I decided to be a trainer, to satisfy my obsession around food and movement.

When trying to convince someone to take up personal training or groups I think as if the benefits are obvious, like someone convincing you to breathe... duh. However when trying to think about tangible benefits it can be incredibly difficult. Especially when I couldn't care less about superficial goals and achievements. You can look ripped and lean and hot! Who cares? Who cares if your muscles are bigger or your butt is firmer really? People who don't matter... And probably you. But I would suggest you only care because you put too much weight into the opinions of those who don't matter! Don't we all! I guarantee the people who do matter just want you to be happy.

It doesn't help you do or be anything and that's what I want more people to train for, to do or be something more. To have the strength to stand up for what they believe in. Training for stress relief and confidence is easy enough to point out benefits, you'll be calmer, more understanding, more caring of others and more willing to put yourself out there = better relationships with yourself and others.

How do the physical benefits apply if you're happy in your sedentary job and all your socialising is done at the pub. There is obviously getting stronger and fitter, but what does that mean to a guy that can do a few chin ups and run up the stairs at work without much hassle. What is the difference between 3 chin ups and 6? Maybe you don't need training that much if you're truly happy doing just enough? Obviously it has affects on weight and disease and I'd like to say that's enough but clearly it's too far down the road for most people. Not many people have the desire to compete in strength competitions, climb mountains or rocks or go trekking where strength and endurance is just what you do.

I guess what it comes down to for myself is being far more interested in mental and spiritual growth then physical growth. Learning how to acquire physical strength and skills is important but even that may be more about mental growth, how to overcome weaknesses and dedication to the process. Looking a certain way is the furthest thing from important yet it's what we all seem to strive for?

Part of it is probably because it's easier to sell bigger muscles and losing 10kgs. People can see it and let's be honest, generally it looks better. Although, even looking good has a foundation in functionality, what we find attractive tends to be healthy although we keep finding ways to artificially get those looks and that's far from healthy. But how do you sell mental growth? That's what we are missing when we keep looking for the quick fixes. More confidence, motivation, determination, more willingness to strive for something. Most people would like more of those but don't see a need, they can't see how it would apply practically to their lives therefore there is no pressure to seek it. If people can't see the problem or it doesn't even exist yet they aren't going to look for a solution.

Because I make everything about strength, mobility and posture everything is a reason to get stronger. To put it another way, I really don't enjoy feeling weak, aching joints, headaches and cloudy thinking. Moving and training helps me avoid this. The flip side of pain and brain fog is not no pain and a clear head, it's feeling superhuman! I appreciate (sometimes) that others don't feel that they need that strength. I prefer to strive for feeling superhuman.

Not much of what I try to teach is actually that applicable to the place and circumstances I'm teaching it in. I'm not really interested in getting better at pushing a bar over my head for the sake of being good at pushing a bar over my head. You are learning how to create a stable shoulder position overhead so you can help your child climb a tree or take down the heavy stuff from the top shelf without getting injured. You are getting strong because life will throw you curve balls but also because knowing you can deal with those curve balls allows you to go after more challenges and that's where growth happens!

That's what I'm selling; life is unpredictable, you never know when you'll need that mental, physical, spiritual strength which is all the more reason to be prepared! You are not meant to stagnate, to go through the motions in life. "We use our personality to victimise ourselves into believing we're only capable of certain things. Our personality is nothing more than a compilation of habits" and we know we can change habits! Humans are born to take risks, to act, to play. I want to change the victim mindset, for myself and for others. That's how we create abundance! Get strong, learn what you're capable of and continue to expand your horizons. Don't have any regrets!

This video has a few things the human body is capable of - YOU are capable of! Notice they don't come off every time, you have to take the falls and try again!

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