With the 2021 Strength Challenge looming (or Strength Challenge III as it is now going to be known), I have spent some time reflecting on past challenges and why I so look forward to the next one.
The one thing that stands out for me is the camaraderie the challenge brings with it.
2018 was our first challenge and my first time at what was essentially a strength competition, for both the body and mind.
With no idea what to expect, I entered with very little expectation but a lot of doubt as to whether my body and mind would hold up.
I think I may have even mentioned to Ryan on several occasions that I thought we might find my mental strength lacking.
I had no expectations, as I said, of my physical strength. As a person of advancing years (I was to turn 59 soon after the challenge was over) it was a day to day proposition depending on how the body was fairing.
I found the reality to be quite different and to my surprise, with the support of other challenge participants, my physical and mental strength held up way better than I thought going in.
The day for initial testing arrived and I found myself pretty nervous.
There was a mix of young and those of advancing years with everything in between.
The testing consisted of deadlifts, barbell back squats (best 3 rep max.), turkish get ups with a kettlebell (best weight, 1 each side), Hang and Wall Sit (for time).
We all gathered at the gym and got on with the job of trying to record our absolute best for each.
I found myself cheering on other participants, encouraging those who thought they were done, just wanting everyone to be the best they could be and appreciating receiving the same in return.
And so the tone was set for the duration of the challenge.
People started making plans to train together.
We met as a group on a regular basis where we could compare, commiserate and celebrate and there was always someone willing to have a coffee and a chat.
Even the most difficult mentally challenging tasks (fasting, cold showers and an ocean swim in the middle of winter) were made easier when you had another person / other people by your side…
Maybe not the cold showers but knowing that others were also suffering through them seemed to help somewhat.
My ocean swim was done with Kate one Saturday morning after deciding that, as neither of us were super keen to do it, we would give it a go together.
I don’t really remember if I had a plan to do the swim on my own so I feel that it was doubtful it would have been done without the support.
What did I get out of it?
While I might not ever become an Iceberger, I would say, I did feel good immediately afterwards (and after the hot shower) and it definitely gave me more confidence in my mental strength for the 2019 challenge.
And if I am going to be honest, it is really good for your health if you can manage to do it!!! So to my original point……. The camaraderie, friendship, support and that feeling of being in this together and together we will succeed stands out as the most significant outcome of that challenge.
And now the only thing left to say about Strength Challenge III is BRING IT ON!!!"